
Cheap Magazine publisher-Can you help me find one

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I need one that will print magazines at a low cost so I can actually make PROFIT.




  1. You're not talking about a publisher.  You're talking about a printer.  

    The problem you're facing is always, always the same.  You need to sell a ton of ads.  Keeping costs down is fine, but the money has to come from somewhere in the first place.  

    You can call every print shop in your city.  Before they'll give you a quote, you'll have to be able to answer specific questions such as page size, color or no color, number of pages, quantity, full bleed or not, what kind of paper, and probably a lot more.  You'll probably want to supply them completed pages in .PDF form, and they'll have specific requirements for things like the resolution of pictures, registration marks, and more.  Try to have answers to most of these things in advance, or else you'll feel like an idiot when you talk to them.

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