
Cheap Meal?

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How do I have A Cheap Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper that has a great Taste, Yet it's Filling, Healthy, and Under $20 Total?




  1. You go to the store and buy some eggs, bread, a few potatoes an onion and a small ham.

    you could make a ham dinner with fried potatos for dinner.  for breakfast make scrambled aggs and ham with toast. and for lunch make ham sandwiches.

    I think there would even be enough left for another meal or two, plus if you bought a bone in, you could toss it in a pot and make up some ham and beans or a pot of pea soup.

    You may even have some change left to buy a pastry from the bakery for dessert.

  2. 20 dollars worth of ramen noodles will last you almost a month

  3. make your own.

    if not possible, fast food dollar menus,

    mexican restaurants, grocery store deli, college or hospital cafeteria.

  4. Where are you?

    Twenty bucks will feed you pretty well where I live, at home or in a sit-down restaurant (not fast food).

    Breakfast, $4.00.

    Lunch, $6.00.

    Dinner, $10.00

    Tips included.  And I'm stuffed.

  5. Go to the supermarket, buy food and make it yourself... you should have all those meals for about 2 days for under $20...

  6. You can prolly do that by buying the stuff at a grocery store.

  7. $20

    per day? or per week?

    the answers the same.

    Learn to cook for yourself.

    potatoes $2 a bag  

    fried potatoes and onions, [breakfast]

    french fries, [lunch]

    baked potatoes with sour cream, [dinner]

    Eggs $2 a cartoon

    sunny side up, [breakfast]

    omelet, [lunch]

    scrabbled, [dinner]

    bread $1 a loaf

    shredded cheese makes everything good.

    chicken and pork is cheap and easy to cook

    what you save in money,

    you pay for in time and skill.

  8. Buy groceries and cook for yourself..

    You can get a load of groceries for $20 and make all the meals and still have leftover for the rest of the week.








    You can look up recipes on the Internet, make a grocery list and get cooking....

    Good Luck :0)

  9. Go get you some Ham, eggs, milk, bread, cheese, veggies, pasta noodles.

    For breakfast make a Ham and cheese omelet.

    Dinner make a ham and cheese or just a ham sandwich.

    Supper make some pasta with cheese and add some Ham with some veggies on the side.

  10. KFC

  11. You might have to go to Tim Horton's for all three meals.

  12. I'm not sure if you cook, but a meal you can eat for either shift is Creamed Dried Beef. Definitely under $20 but both filling and healthy.

    You get the dried beef, usually in a package where the wrapped cheese and bologna freezer are located. The instructions on how to make C.D.B. are often on the back of the package. (You'll need flour, milk, butter with the dried beef). You can pour this on toast or muffins or on fried / mashed potatoes.

    I'm making myself hungry................................

  13. Wendy's, they have some healthy stuff like salad, chili, baked potatoes, etc.  dunno if they have breakfast..

  14. Try an old mom and pops resturant in the middle of nowhere. They always have some good stuff.

  15. mc donalds dollar menu

  16. get breakfast at the gas station. Their coffee tastes as good as starbucks and it's only a dollar.

    Look for luch specials or order the kids meal. Usually has more than enough food and cost about half.

    Hit an all you can eat buffet. I live in vegas and there are 24 hour ones for really cheap.
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