
Cheap Resturants and supermarket near Gare Montparnase?

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could anyone tell me about the reasonable resturants and supermarket near Gare Montparnase?




  1. I obviously don't have the same idea as the previous poster as to what "reasonable" is.

    Hipopotamus is an industrial chain of restuarants that I generally keep away from. It's not particularly cheap and far from reasonable.

    In the title you asked for cheap restaurants, in the text for reasonable restaurants. Make up your mind.

    For cheap restaurants, there are plenty of "Turkish" bars where you can get a full meal for about €5 to €8. They are well cooked and clean. But you will probably want something else, after a day or two.

    There is really no shortage of restaurants in that neighbourhood. Just walk around, look at the menus posted in the windows (a legal obligation in France) and take your pick.

  2. casino for the supermarket

    hippopotamus for the restaurant

  3. Montparnasse was where all the Bretonnes (people from Bretagne) arrived in Paris. Bretagne is very well known for crêpes and as such this is the place to eat crêpes (thin filled pancakes - sweet (crêpes) and savoury (galettes)). Crêpes are inexpensive and filling. The main street for crêperies is Rue Montparnasse.

    If you need some help with translating menus while in France then check out this little translation guide:

    Regards, OurManInParis

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