
Cheap and easy way to go from SEast to Lake District?

by  |  earlier

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I need to get from the South East up to the Lake District, don't have a passport (ran out in March) and my bf has lost his, and we don't really want to pay £80 each or so just to do this journey, with the air fare on top. Train is coming in at about the £200 area, and coach can take 15-20 hours, which would take up a third of our holiday time.


Neither of us drives, so what can you suggest?




  1. Look. Sorry to be blunt but stop trying to take the easy way out. Either pay the £80 or don't go.

    If this holiday means so much to you then you will pay £80 to get there.

  2. 15-20 hours for the coach is ridiculous.

    south east to the Lake District should not take more than 4

  3. Your struggling if you don't drive.  Trains will be exspensive becasue it's getting near holiday time (I know I spent £200 for 2 tickets from Sunderland to London).  Your screwed on planes without passports.

    Might have to bus it- even if it's a long trip.

    Have you looked into ferries (not sure if that'spossible from where you are but it might be more reasonable)

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