
Cheap flights to the MNL from SFO during christmas?

by  |  earlier

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It always seems really expensive to go to the Philippines during christmas so I was wondering if there was an airline or that was about 1,000 or cheaper during christmas





  1. No, there won't be anything cheap around Christmas time. It's a fact of life. We booked our daughter's ticket from LAX to Manila way back in May and paid nearly $2000 for a roundtrip economy ticket.

  2. There's no such thing.  That the peak of the peak season.  You'll have to sell a kidney to get a ticket that time of the year.  On the other hand, if you wait a month it goes way, way down.

  3. if you try to go early december like first wk december or beginning of second week it should be close to that amount but if you go towards the end of second week then the price goes up like crazy! GO to this site to get an estimate if you go to agencies you might get a better deal from other airlines,too. Goodluck

  4. Suggest you find yourself a local Filipino/Asian newspaper... they have Filipino travel agents in your area that buy tickets in bulk, so it's cheaper than what you get from online sites sometimes.

    I'd do it now if I were you. Waiting only will cost you more money.

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