
Cheap florida health insurance?

by Guest65860  |  earlier

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my wife and i want to have a child but cannot afford to pay for the complete doctors visit and all.. we do not qualify for medicaid what insurance that is affordable can we use?





  2. You can get quotes here on regular plans with and without maternity coverage by filling out the form below.  You should really have a broker work on your case and see what they can drum up.  

    Click the link below and complete the short form.  It will put you in touch with local agents in your area.  I hope that helps!


    Jared Balis

  3. If you don't qualify for medicaid, you should try to prepay.  You can negotiate a prepaid birth for about $2500.

    Or, you can hire a midwife and do a home birth, with prenatal care, for about the same.

    There isn't any cheap, private maternity coverage, because the only people who buy it, want to use it.

  4. There are many different companies that have good reputations and offer some form of maternity health insurance rider as an add on to their FL health insurance policies.

    Some of the top companies to consider include:

    1. Blue Cross Blue Shield of FL

    2. Humana One

    3. Golden Rule (United Healthcare)

    You can also check the average costs of pregnancy in the state of Florida by visiting

    Be sure and shop around to compare rates and work with an independent FL health insurance agent that can work with multiple companies.

    Here is some more information on Florida health insurance and on maternity health insurance:

  5. try and get the CHEAPEST one at websites like

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