
Cheap microphone for backing vocalist

by Guest60772  |  earlier

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im wondering what microphones are cheap and good enough for use as a backing vocalist.




  1. Get a Shure 58 and take it with you wherever you go.  A Cheap mike will only make YOU sound bad.

  2. I would have to recommend either the Shure SM-58 at roughly 100 bucks, or the Audix OM-5, approximately 160.  While these may appear to some to be high in price, as far as mic's go, there relatively cheap, and.. most important, industry standards.  Bear in mind, you can spend upwards of $7000 on just ONE Neumann Condenser studio mic.  That's why I say these 2 mics ive suggested are relatively cheap. (and of very high quality for stage use.)

       Also, on the SM-58, I would advise NOT to get the on-off switch. Ive seen to many instances where the performer has gone to turn the mic on, the switch breaks, and then is left with nothing.  Also, sound engineers have a tendency to get really peeved if you don't cue them somehow that the mic is being shut off.  Soon as the mic is touched on the stand, it picks up quite a bit.  Can be a bit noisy between songs if theres no music!

       Hope this has helped... and good luck.  

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