
Cheap pet stores????

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend r having a yard sale. i am going 2 make about $25 and i need 2 hamsters. they r cheap but i also need suplize 4 the hamsters! helP! oh and B4 u ask, i need 2, 1 4 me and 1 4 my sister. plz help me!!! i live in u.s.a columbia md and have to stay in columbia. so i want 2 know. should i go 2 petsmart, todayspet, petco, petoo, i need a store that sells hamsters and is cheep!




  1. OK, well first off, hamsters are expensive to start up for theyres also ongoing costs such as food and bedding. you need to buy chew stcks, runabout balls, cages, wheels, bedding, food, treats, fresh fruits and veggies for them, and the list goes on.... also, have you not considered the fact that the big hamsters CANNOT live together??theyll kill eachother as soon as they mature at about 6 -8 weeks, so if you get two syrinians big hamsters AKA commons, teddybears etc..) it equals 2 cages. also, for dwarves, they sometimes can live in same-s*x pars BUT they may fight in which case they need to be seperated immediatly into their own cages. ths means an exra wheel, water bottle, food dish and cage are needed. being able t go out and buy one when it hppens isnt gonna cut it, you NEED to have it on-hand. also, how much do you know abput the care? what type of bedding is safe what isnt?? what can you feed them and what cant you? the list again goes on and on... having a hamster is a UGE responsibility, bottime and omewhat money wise. after the initil set-up, a hamster costs about 10-20 dollers a month to maintain. an ESENTIAL start-up list is:

    -cage   the smallest suitable one is really gonna cost you 20$atleast.

    -food not expensive maybe 4 or 5 to start off

    -wood chews these are an abslute MUST. theyre about 4$  A package.

    -bedding  no pine or cedar!! you need either aspen or a paper product such as carefresh. this can be costley anywhere from a 5$ fee to a 20$fee depending on the amount and type purchased.

    -runabout ball although not exactlessential, but uless you can create a large 100% safe environment for you hammy to run around in for 30min EVERY night.. it is a must 10$ each

    so, after all that, yo still need the hamster and the cash for ongoing costs, i suggest waiting til youre sure you have ALL the money for both the inital costs and the running costs. also, what about unexpected things like the vet?? hammys dont need to see the vet regularly like a cat dog or guinea pig, but if they become ill or injured they NEED to go to the vet immediatly. so,  waiting till you have the cash is the best option for you. also, read up ALOT before you get your pet. it is a living, breatihnig creature that is in your hands. please, be kind!! =]

  2. Call each store to find out which one is the cheapest.

    Good luck.

  3. try locol rescues dont get any anim,als from petco

  4. Petsmart has good buys, especially if you have a petperks card. But the supplies alone could cost as much as $25. There isn't any harm in waiting until you have more money. In the meantime you could go to the store and choose what you want to buy so that you will know exacly how much money you need.

  5. well i dont think u could afford 2 hamsters and ALL of the supplies with just $25 dollars unless u make more. u could call all of the petstores and see how much it all comes up to be and then u could decide from there.hope this helps

  6. Have you checked the animal shelters and rodent rescues around you? They usually sell the rodents for very cheap or even free. But I don't think you can afford PROPER supplies with $25, sorry...
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