Hello! My name is Florin 22yo,student from Romania. I was in Szczecin 2 weeks ago, and I like that city so much, and i want to plan my next trip there. The problem is that, 2 weeks ago I stayed at a hostel, named Amicus. The next time that I want to be is in middle of october, and the lady from there said that it will be full of students that time :| This will be a big problem. At Amicus I payed 32 zl/day.
Can anyone tell me what I can find there at around this price? Coz, I found some pensjonat Rika near the centrum but on the website says that cost 35 zl/ day and when I called, it`s 80 zl... the maximum that I can pay is 40-50 zl/day as I want to stay there 5 or 7 days.
Please Help me! I`ll appreciate!!