
Cheapest and easiest way to insulate the house?

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I live in a house that is over 70 years old. And there is a lot of gap between ceiling and wall, wall and floor etc...

I am renting this house so I don't want to invest too much but I don't want to pay fortune for this winter's electric bills.

I also have 6 months old baby, so I can't use anything that she might pull out and eat.

I would like to know especially

1, how to insulate the windows (around it, especially)

2, how to fill the little gap between wall and ceiling and floor without paying too much and worry about toxic substance.

I have very old wall heater (two coil looking thing that gets red) in kitchen which heats up pretty well (but sky rocketed my electric bills)

So if you have any better idea for heating devise I will appreciate it :D




  1. Your landlord should be responsible for the insulation.  Talk with them first.

    That spray foam works pretty good, but you shouldn't have to pay for it.

  2. The council will advise you on Grants free,if you are elderly or on Benefits ,for House,insulating, electric oil heaters with thermostat are cheaper to run when they get to a warm temperature that cut off and come back on when temp drops,

  3. You'll find a lot of guidance on insulation on the following pages about types of insulation and insulating materials:

    We really like oil-filled radiator heaters.  They have some out now that are not hot to the touch, but I would still be cautious that baby doesn't play near it.  See the following page for more about these heaters (and how they lowered our bills)

    Hope this helps!

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