
Cheapest way from Belize to Peru?

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Whats the cheapest way to get from Belize to Peru to Venezalia back to Nassau?? Help please




  1. TACA cheap???  Some of the freight ships will book a handful of passengers on their routes.  It is slow and definitely not cruise ship standards (you eat what the crew eats) but is usually very inexpensive.  If you go overland you are going to have to fly or take a ship from Panama to Colombia anyway.  Check with some of the shipping companies in Belize or Tampa/Miami that have routes south.  You still may want to go overland on the South American continent so you will probably end up using a combination of travel methods.

  2. My sister's name is Belize.

  3. walk.

    the bus would be next.

  4. The cheapest way would be TACA airlines but that would take you from Belice to Lima to Caracas.

    From Caracas to Nassau is expensive but maybe thru TACA you can get a better option

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