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My boyfriend of 11 and a half months told me yesterday that he went out clubbing and told a girl that he was single. He then walked her home holding her hand and got her number. I'm not sure if anything else lead on from this because he can't even 'remember' if he kissed her or not or if anything else happened. I'm really hurt by his actions and shocked he would do this to me. I feel that this is classed as cheat and i'm stuck for what to do because i love him, i want to stay with him but i don't want him to think that it is acceptable do it again.

What would you do in my position??, i really need some advice! Thank you! x




  1. break up with him!!!

    duh! hes a meanie!!

    ~good luck

  2. I say give him another chance. Look at the facts first. 1. He was drunk as h**l aparently. 2. He said those things to the girl cause he was drunk. And 3. He prbly did kiss the girl. 4. He might have been not drunk, because i dont think you would walk a girl to there house when ur drunk. Ok so you need to sit down and talk with him, make him give you everything that happend. Dont let him step all over you. If you think he is lieing you should dump him,but it seems he made a mistake and he was man enough to tell you because he was really guilty over it and he really loves you. I think you shoudint break it off:) I hope i was of help.

  3. Well I do know a girl who's bf cheated on her too.

    This is what she did. She threatened the girl. Didn't go to jail. And gave the bf a piece of her mind. She still loves him. Doesn't forgive him, and when she goes out to clubbing or whatever fun activities she likes. He can't say anything cause he cheated. But I am sure she kicked his butt and told him if you want to be with me don't let me see this happen again cause I can drop your ssa. If I was her i wouldn't even have accepted him back but that's just me. And they seem kind of happy together now.

  4. break off the relationship. he's not treating you right.

  5. Erm.... You could try telling him what you told us.

  6. Firstly i would tell him that this is completely unacceptable and make it very clear that you feel very hurt and betrayed.

    Drinking is not an excuse for making supid mistakes. Ask him why he really did this? Why did he say he was single?

    It is on the lower scale of cheating but the main issue is trust. Without trust, no relationship can work. I would tell him this was a blow to your sense of trust in him and that he needs to work on repairing the damage in order for you to feel confident in the relationship again.

    Good luck hun :)

  7. First of all he CAN so remember ! that is the first excuse they come up with.   i would guess that he would have kissed her. I mean he walked her home and got a number ?? i know how it works ! What you need to do is sit down with him and tell him to be brutally honest and then you can decide from there ! You do what you think is the right thing and i know your heart must be hurting.  Mine is a little at the minute too ! you need to decided if you do give him another go you need the truth to start on the right foot again.  Then put it behind you but if it happens again. NO GO ! GET RID 100%. good luck chic x

  8. chop his willy off when he's asleep.


  10. Forgive him and tell not to do it again.

  11. i sent you an of luck to you Kaylie

  12. There is really no excuse for this sort of behaviour.  If he has done it once then whats to say that he wouldnt do again?  I know you love him but how can you trust him? Once there is no trust there is nothing.  I wouldnt be spending my Saturday nights wondering what he is up to?

    For you own sake I would say break it off with him?  But then again im not you!  And its difficult to end a relationship because your prob thinking and most likley hoping he wont do it again and he will say this to you and you will want to believe him more than anything! Its up to you to decide and everyone is different and if you dont want to end the realtionship then dont but be wary :)
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