
Cheater signs??

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which sign do u think cheats the most?? and why??




  1. In my experience, Aries tended to get bored, and find a new toy... but only ONE new toy.  Aquarius was a SERIAL-CHEATER... just to prove to himself that he still "had it."  Yeah well... he sure doesn't still have me!!!!

  2. Each of the signs can cheat the most. It depends on the person them self because if they are unhappy with their partner that they have now they will look for a new partner.  

    I think Aquarius men and Aries.

  3. Aries. It has happened to me time and time again. Dont know why? At this point I dont care. His actions speak louder than words.

  4. Uh Uh, I'll answer this one...

    No offense sweetheart, if you read this.....I think Leo male from personal experience.

    I'm not horoscope fanatic...I was checking on compatibility for me and new bf (Leo).  Says we are compatible.  It was disturbing to me that Leo also has tendency to roam.  I found this to be true in my case.  Forgiveness is powerful (my trait).

    I'd check with horoscopes for compatibility but don't take them as a given for everyone with the sign.  Everyone is an individual and may have traits of many signs.

  5. Aquarius I'm a Libra happends to me alot from them .

  6. I have to say BOTH LEO and ARIES. They are both very flirty signs and if given the right opportunity will cheat and --- probably lie about it as well. The Aries - --- he will stick to his lie, even if you think you caught him and try to call him on it. The Leo - he will fess up, but only if you catch him. And he may try to deny it.... but persistence pays off.

  7. I think you can't particular say this sign is a cheater it depends also how that person is and i say i think in everystarsign there are cheaters and loyal person so you can't say Virgo Aries or whatever starsign are cheaters.
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