
Cheating & Parents - Anyone in the same boat?

by Guest66629  |  earlier

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Ok, my parents aren't actually cheating on each other. The problem is that my mom thinks my dad is cheating on her. I know my dad, and there's no way he'd ever cheat on my mom, and my mom won't stop bringing it up. If it comes up, she'll try to get something out of him for hours, and I can see it's hurting him.

If you can't trust your spouse who can you trust??

I just hate the way society is going. Cheating almost seems normal. You see the issue as a topic on t.v. or even on Yahoo answers all the time! It's not normal!! Cheating is the worst thing anyone could do to someone they love, and people who say it's an accident or whatever, are liars. I just can't stand it!

I just want to know what other people think about cheating in general, or if anyone has had the same problem with their parents.

Thanks everyone!




  1. as the child in the relationship, this is none of your business.  ask them to keep their private business private.

  2. The truth of the matter is, its your parents problem and not yours and you need to not take sides.  You can't be sure of what your father does or doesn't do.  Many a child has been very surprised to learn one of their parents is not a saint and usually its both.  Parents learn to hide alot from their children to protect them from the harsh realities.  Your mother just can't hide it anymore.

  3. It's possible he is cheating and your mother has information you don't! Also, a lot of people especially young people view their parents in a really great light and wouldn't believe they were capable of something like cheating. Anyway, whether your mother be right or wrong, I don't think it's your situation to get involved with, it will probably just make things worse.


  4. If you are really sure that your dad is faithful, then it seems the problem lies with your mother's confidence and self-esteem.  She feels he's cheating because he doesn't focus on her... because he's not attracted to her... because she's unattractive... etc... this is her lack of self confidence.  Maybe (in front of your father), you need to tell your mom who beautiful she is and how lucky dad is to have her.

  5. A. You can't trust anyone - well, maybe yourself.

    B. Cheating is worse than murder or child abuse? Interesting.

    C. It's not my place to judge anyone for what they choose to do. And what they do in none of my business. I don't know if my parents ever cheated on each other, it's not my place to judge them, or teach them morals; or tell them how they should live. Your parents are just people, like everyone else, they just happen to be YOUR parents. Maybe you expect more of them than other humans, but those are YOUR expectations. As long as I live my life the way I see fit, what other people do doesn't matter, until it affects my rights. Why does anyone else HAVE to live by YOUR standards, are you always "right"?

  6. Well if your mom suspects something, maybe she knows something you're not aware of or maybe there is something in the past.  

    Cheating is wrong.  My dad couldn't keep his pants up and my ex's all had the same problem.  In the world of today, our leaders do not set a good example and therefore society doesn't have good role models.  

    I know you love your parents but they have to work it out on their own.  Maybe if you mention to them how much it hurts you to see them having problems and that you feel a marriage counselor would benefit the family, they might go.  Just a thought.

    Good luck and try not to let it bother you.  It's up to them to work it out.  You will be old enough to go on with your life, they are the one's that have to fix their own.

  7. my parents have been married 51 yrs and i know that my dad has never cheated on my mom. but i have been married 29 yrs and i have cheated on my hub cause he cheated on me and you know what they say about paybacks.  anyway, i am happy, the other guy is happy, we are very discrete, and my hub benefits from my happiness.

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