
Cheating? Trying no contact?

by Guest34355  |  earlier

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I found out my fiance has been cheating. The other woman called me and told me it's been going on for about a month. I texted him at work yesterday and told him it was over. He responded lol, you believe other people over me. Then he made a statement about it's hard to be with all the time because I have children. This happened yesterday morning and I feel like calling him because I miss him. I know he's a Loser and not good for me and I'm trying everything not to contact him. I hung out with my friends last night and cleaned my house today but I still feel like picking up the phone. Any tips to move on?




  1. I'm assuming the kids aren't his.  In other words he is saying it's your kids fault I cheated.  And you want him back.  Why?  If you call him it's the same as admitting he is right.  And he will take it as permission to continue doing the same.  If you can live with that, call him.

  2. think about making a better life for yourself

  3. Just think of his cavalier and nonchalant attitude when you confronted him and to add insult to injury he used your children to justify his cowardly behavior that in itself should be enough for you to not want him back. Remember if you take him back your giving him the okay "so you'll be mad a few days or perhaps a few weeks", he can rub your head pretend to be a good boy regain your trust & do the same thing again. Now's the time to prove him wrong find new hobbies, keep yourself busy, and always keep in the back of your mind how he didn't care enough to come to you and at least try to smooth things over.

  4. You have to be strong, he was a looser

    you deserve to be happy and get someone you children adore, my son picked my hubby

    honestly worth the wait!!!

  5. sounds like you need more proof than a phonecall could be a jeallous ex.  and you not believing him has pushed him not to try to proove himself

  6. Well lets look at this for a second.  LOL when you confronted him and no denial on his part meaning he did cheat.  Secondly he apparently dose not care for your children which is something that should be foremost in your life.  Sounds to me that he is not only a looser but he does not care about you or your children.  Drop him like a bad habit and find a nice guy that will love you and your family.

  7. he has no respect for you and he will either continue the affair or still have no regards for your emotions. your children deserve a good role model

  8. remind your self over and over what he has done and if he has any issues with you having kids why would u want him in the first place? Keep your self busy. buy new clothes and get your hair and nails done... basicly make your self feel beautiful.  

  9. just visualise what he's been doing and where he's been putting it.  Do you want THAT back anywhere near you?  Was it in her and in you in the same day? He made a fool out of you.

  10. If he's not calling YOU then you should not be calling him.  If he had any regrets he would be doing everything in his power to get you back right now.  You don't deserve that.  Keep cleaning.  Rent some movies.  Cook something.  Anything.  Stay on Yahoo Answers.  Just don't call that fool.

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