
Cheating at your bachelorette party....?

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Okay has anyone else but me noticed how rediculous these bachelorette party games at stores are?? I was browsing through them with my MOH and half the little dares, funny games, etc there have stuff like " Kiss the first guy you see." "Stick your hand down a guys pants". "Get lucky one last time"

I was soo shocked!!! It's completely rediculous! I mean do people really do that stuff???

I know i would never even think about it!




  1. Some girls do, just like some guys fool around at their bachelor parties. Society has brainwashed people into thinking that they have to have strippers and that it is perfectly normal to do things that are disrespectful to their partner in the name of "its my last party as a single person."

  2. This sort of stuff is so ridiculous!

    Before even getting engaged, my fiance and I decided together that we didn't want bachelor/bachelorette parties. I think anyone who goes out and does that sort of thing right before getting married/engaged/in a relationship doesn't deserve the relationship!!

  3. Yes, people really do that stuff.  It is their last night as a single woman.

    I do agree with you that it seems so extreme.  I mean, I understand going out and having a great time with your friends, but that stuff seems like cheating to me.  I know I wouldn't want my guy kissing another girl at his bachelor party....  

  4. They are ridiculous thats one reason my fiance and i have decided we don't want to have a bachelor party or a bachelorette party and he was even the one that suggested that we don't and i was very pleased that he suggested that.

  5. People do do that stuff. Its crazy - I wouldn't, but some people aren't getting married because they really love the other person, some are just in it for money/convenience/kids or whatever. Also, lots of people see it as their 'last night of fun' before they have to settle down to be with one person only - but in todays society most people have already done that prior to a wedding, so its a bit crazy to do it.

    I have been to a heap of parties where its the other single girls and not the bride to be that get the most enjoyment out of the games ;)

  6. I have no clue if women really do this stuff but I am not ok with it. I still have till June of next year till my wedding but I have been surprised of the things I have seen as well. I'm thinking were going to have the bachelorett and bachelor party together and just have fun with it.

  7. Agree. they are off the wall. but they are intended for people that have no inhibitions. The last game they will ever play w/o getting into dangerous territory. never had one myself, but i have a good sense on human nature whether male or female (i'm female) it's almost like a rite of passage, comparitivly. a sense of anticipation of the next step. naughty now, an angel for the rest of ur life thing. (shaking heads now)

  8. Yes unfortunately people do those sort of things on their last night.  I don't think those people are ready to get married in the first place.  I would never dream of doing anything like that.  I wouldn't have wanted my husband to do those things before our wedding.  The funny thing is the women who do those sort of things are usually the ones who get extremely jealous of their significant other.  That is just my opinion.  It is one thing to go out and have a good time, but there is no need to make a spectacle.

  9. If a person is engaged, and in love, why in the world would they want to do any of those things?  I fell in love last winter, and would not even WANT to kiss another guy.

    Plus, I think those things are cheating.  Cheating to me is anything I would not do in front of my fiance'.  

    There are plenty of fun things to do with the girls.....

  10. I completely agree! Its horrifying!

    This is my opinion on bachelor and bachelorette parties:

    A lot of people say "its your last night single", but HELLO! I'm assuming you were already dating the person BEFORE your wedding and engagement, that kinda makes you not single anymore. You aren't married yet, but you sure aren't "single". You wouldn't cheat on your significant other while you were engaged or married or in a relationship, so whats makes the night before your wedding any different? If anything, you are less single that day than you were any other day before in your relationship (being that by that point you are 24 hours away from being married!)

    I think those parties with the strippers are a disgrace. Some people say "oh let him have his fun" but if my fiance considers getting laid one last time or having a lap dance by a stripper more fun than spending his life with me, he isn't the person I want to marry.

    My fiance and I aren't doing bachelorette or bachelor parties. We are going to a restaurant the night before with our families.

    I would say for a bachelorette party, get something like p***s straws or a p***s-shaped cake and maybe do some funny games like "pin the wang on the inflatable man" if you want something funny and "sexual" without being downright disgusting/disrespectful to your fiance.

    I think those sexual games involving real men have no place at a bacheloretter party for anyone who is serious about their future husband.  

  11. that is ridiculous! wow, i'm throwing a party for my bff (whose getting married) AND she insisted that there be no exploited things! I mean honestly, what's the difference doing those ridiculus things in that party compared to any other day right? it's still cheating, in the worse way, ESPECIALLY if the party doing it thinks that it's no harm. Each fiance should think that if they cannot control themselves during the party, how can they expect to control themselve for the REST of the married life?!?

  12. That is so weird! If girls do that kind of stuff I wonder what the guys are doing!

  13. I had a friend have one of those shirts.  We ended up crossing off a good 1/4 of them because they would be cheating.  I don't think many who REALLY believe in their relationship do such things.

  14. I really hope people aren't really using these games. I also don't understand the whole "last night as a single man/woman" thing. Yes, technically according to the government you're single, but your marriage is so close and you are still dating whomever, so if you really did that stuff it would be C-H-E-A-T-I-N-G.

  15. I never heard of those games but if someone brought them to my bachelorette party they would be tossed in the trash can pronto.

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