
Cheating on love ones.?

by  |  earlier

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Why do powerful men like Eliot Spitzer cheat on their families? Because they can. No because they think they will never be caught if they do they think they can buy their way out.

the other question is way do the wives stand by their sides and stay. One could also say the same thing for hushands why stay if your wife cheats.




  1. good questions, I dont care how powerful (or rich) I would leave so fast and never once look back, yes even with kids!!!!

    s***w me once, shame on you

    s***w me twice, shame on me!!

  2. Because he is rich, maybe.

  3. ahahha i saw and read about that to  well first of all he has money 10000dollars a hr for s*x come on he's pimping he has every thing or had at his finger tips when ever or how ever 2Nd he could buy anuther wife if he wanted to i heard he has to step down in 48hrs

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