
Cheating on the ACT?

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I KNOW that a kid who cheated on the ACT on June 7 and pulled almost a perfect score because he sat behind a very intelligent kid. I was not even in the testing center, however, the two kids got the same exact score, and the one who did the cheating would never be capable of achieving such a score.

I want to report this to ACT but i dont know if i should. Do i have enough proof. will they do anything? is it too late? what should i do? i kind of just want to tell them so that they can look into it.




  1. It;s ok. It'll prob come around and whack him in the behind when he can't keep up with his schoolwork in college and end up losing his scholarship. Let him learn the hard way that cheating never pays.

      But if he didn't cheat and got that score on his own...then kudos to him!

  2. karma ALWAYS comes back to bite you..or in this case, it will them...

    im surprised he did so well considering every test is usually different from one close by(or thats how they did it when i was in school, they told us to not even dare cheating--we'd probably do worse.)

    but if what happened is the case, theres not actual proof and they will do nothing.

    but the good side of this, if he/she expects to get into a good school with this score, more power to them. but they will be in over their heads and or held up higher by their parents or teachers, because they did so well on this test, their grades/classes will show that the scores didn't match up and that is obviously questionable.

    wheather its sooner or later, karma will come back to him/her.

  3. you cant prove anything......even though youre probably right.  you could say something to an administrator or teacher that you know well and see what they think, but unless you somehow have evidence, it probably wont make a difference, but dont hesitate to say something, itll make you feel better.

  4. You should definitely let them know!

    They thought my friend cheated because the person next to him got the same really good score, and the ACT people checked up on their GPAs to see if they corresponded with the test score and the other kid got busted.

  5. It's too late, the examiners would have had to see him cheat (maybe you should have informed them then).  Besides, they won't give you extra points for reporting him, it's a waste of time.

  6. Something very similar happened to my brother.  What they will do, is send letters to both parties involved, saying that the two tests had similar answers.  The ACT people will ask them for their transcripts to prove that they could get that score.  The ACT people are very thorough.

  7. they will have both kids take the test again..probably in different rooms. also, they will probably ask the teachers of the two kids and see how reasonable it is that these kids could get a perfect score.  it is done anonymously, and if your suspicions are correct, you could get rewarded for it. not to mention the the satisfaction and pride you will recieve from stopping the cheater from  getting into a better college than he deserves.  do it.

    to those saying that you dont have enough..or any proof, it doesnt matter. any suspician, no matter how small, is worth them investigating. those tests are taken VERY seriously

  8. It might be a little hard with the amount of "proof" you have. Also, you have to keep in mind that there are different tests. Not everyone gets the same testing booklet so he may not have cheated. My friend also got a score that I didn't believe he would get but he did. :)

  9. don't be a snitch or you gonna get popped in da ***

  10. You could try, but you really don't have proof. The ACT people would have to pull both tests and run an analysis and if the smart kid didn't do know the other kid was looking over his shoulder, you could be costing that kid his scholarship.

    In the long run, everyone gets their just desserts. There is such a thing as Karma. Turning them in seems more vengeful on your part.

    That is the trouble with this entire enphasis on SAT and ACT scores. What you might want to do for yourself is to check on the schools that are not using these tests as entrance criteria.

  11. well id just give it to him because now adays your completley screwed if you dont pass, and he wont survive colleges if he was that incapable anyways

  12. Just deal with it don't do anything, he probably will get a question that he cheated on and the cheating will be in his mind to haunt him.
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