
Cheating while broken up?

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my partner and i broke up about 2 weeks ago, we got into a pretty bad argument and i ended up realizing that he wasn't the person who i wanted to be with. i spent the past weeks thinking about how negative of a person he was to have in my life and so on.

any who, i started seeing one of my old friends alot more, like going out for coffee and talking, and we also went out to the bar one night with some of my friends. i ended up beginning to like him and our connection was really good and i ended up kissing him that night.

through my perspective at the time i was planning on never getting back with my ex again, and i was keen on beginning a new phase and a new relationship. the following day after the bar, he invited me over to his house for a movie and we ended up spending the whole time kissing passionately. but that's really all that happend.

some stuff happend and i was busy with work for about a week, as was he.. so we didnt have much time to speak. also, i begin speaking to my ex during that time also and he got all open and emotional with me and made me re-release the feelings i once had for him again. so i decided it would be best for me to tell this new guy that it would be better for us to not speak right now because im too emotionally sensitive.

i ended up telling my ex that i kissed another guy, and now that we've begun talking more and gotten back into the whole flow of like..speaking and partnership connection in a way, as we used to be.. hes really hurt and upset by the fact that i did that. but through my perspective at that point in the i wasnt planning on speaking to him ever again.

so now i feel as though im in a rut and im not sure what to do about either my ex, and making him feel better about the whole situation, and if i even should.. and about the new guy, because i still do have a bit of feelings for him and a part of me craves to be with him instead. im not sure.. ugh.. relationships..let me tell u




  1. nope thats not cheating, your ex has every right to be hurt but none of it is your fault. everything was clear that you 2 broke up and its just that you took the moving forward thing way too fast than your ex. i guess that is what hurt him the most. he might think that he didn't mean as much to you cos you got over him quickly and you're already moving on with a new guy. it hurts his ego.

    the best way to handle this is to take some time off from both guys and then maybe some time, you'd have a clearer perspective on what you want. or WHO you want. good luck!  

  2. you didn't cheat? over is over and if you get back together well that's ok to. i have been through that as well, so there is not reason to be mad at all, good luck and wish you well for which ever you decide

  3. I completely agree with the comment made from Red Rabbit, although your ex boyfriend has to understand that both of you were upset and angry with each other. When you met your old friend, your emotions would have been all over the place, you can begin to feel a lot closer with anothers company. There is no need for him to be angry with you. After all you did break up. I think if he is really serious about you, and wants a fresh start with you he should just let this one time kiss go!

    Good luck i hope it all works out x

  4. You didn't cheat, because you weren't together. He can't get mad about it. There is no reason to get mad about it. And exes are exes for a reason. You didn't cheat. End of subject.  

  5. You showed your guy that you can and will move on without him. He got back with you because he doesn't want to lose you.

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