
Cheats for sims 2 pc?

by  |  earlier

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I need a cheat that will make my sims get an A+ on there reportcard. I would also like to know if there is a cheat to make a sim teen pregnant?




  1. I'm not sure if there is a cheat for an A+ report card, but this is what I do...

    boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

    Then I think you right click on the mailbox or hold down shift and click the mailbox, I don't remember :/

    If you click House you can Make All Happy, and all the needs of all your sims will be fulfilled. Then your Sims will usually complete their homework without a complaint :)

    Google sims 2 pc cheats and go to the gamestop website (it's the first link)

    It has lots of cheats and if you do some hunting I'm sure you can find the one you're looking for.

    Good luck and have fun! HIH

  2. move_objects on   for deleting things. you can delete your sim then press their picture to make them return in full health. rosebud then !;!;!; to get money. make your sims kiss 10 times in a row to get pregnant.

  3. always has a nice updated list of cheats and stuff as teenage mumms :P well i don't think that gonna happen but you can google for a crack for that ;)
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