
Check Out My Meal Plan?

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Breakfast: 2 boiled egg whites, 1 sunny side-up egg with yolk on wheat bread, oatmeal, and an orange

Snack: Avocado sandwich on wheat bread, with various vegetables, and a banana separately + Whey protein

Lunch: Turkey sandwich with mustard and tomatoes on wheat bread, and some fruit

Pre-Workout Meal: Oatmeal, 2 boiled egg whites, Ensure (protein drink), fruit, and a multivitamin

Post-Workout Meal: Whey protein

Dinner: Brown rice with skinless chicken, 2 baked potatoes, and fruit

Final Meal: Casein milkshake

I'm mainly concerned about my pre-workout snack and morning snack. Is my meal plan going to put me in a catabolic state? Feel free to make any improvements.




  1. i think u are drinking too much supplement drinks. you need to eat more real foods. rememeber: EAT CLEAN, LIFT HEAVY

  2. noo ur morning snack is good cuz the avocado fat slows the process of the digestion longer working basically i say add mayo for a fat to ur turkey sandwich cuz u need fats u know and mayo is a good fat that people dont consider just a suggestion pre workout meal is good kinda big for me but nothing to worry about especially not too workout u want simple carbs maybe whey and a banana u need carbs after a workout instead of 2 baked potatoes at dinner have 1 after ur workout u need that balance of carbs and protein after a workout but from what i see u def wont go into a calabolic state

  3. Overall a good plan - although there are a few points to consider when looking to improve:

    Breakfast:  Look at your protein count (this isn't instant oatmeal is it?) as the eggs are only going to give you 13g and every half cup of oatmeal will give you about 5g.  Carbs look fine.

    Lunch:  Watch processed meats as there is a wide range of differences between brands.

    Dinner:  Without the fruit you are looking at ~125+g of carbs and ~30g protein.  4:1 ratio between carbs and protein for dinner after your post workout meal.  Unless you have an exceptionally high metabolism, I would suspect that you need to be somewhere in the area of

    Final:  Ideally the casein would be taken without milk such that you are carb free on this meal - yes, this can be an acquired taste. Are you using the flavored casein?  Drop to skim milk for this.

    You will need to look at the nutrient macro ratio of what you are eating per day as well as you meals.  Your daily ratio looks good, I would now fine tune the meals.  

    Look at the timing, your dinner is heavily weighted with carbs whereas your snack has very few comparatively.  This doesn't mean that you need to have everything balance completely, just keep all of you meals in check.  

    Once you begin to get an idea of the nutritional density of each of the foods that you are going to use as your staple meals, the small modifications will come much easier.  

    Good luck!!

  4. Looks good to me but it will be hard to stick to

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