
Check out Pat Buchanan's latest editorial "Don't Misunderestimate Obama," what do you think?

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"Don't misunderestimate Obama," the title.

I laughed out loud when I got to the end, with the reference to Bush's English language mangling, but he had me thinking about the certain ruthlessness which might be necessary to make it in the political world, and wondering if sometimes Obama doesn't go too far in his pandering to the right (especially when he "proceeded to cut the general's legs off," in Buchanan's words - referring to Obama's distancing himself from general Wesley Clark, when the latter "suggested John McCain's war service did not automatically qualify him as presidential timber")

I think he is my favorite Republican editorialist. Now, I don't think I could ever be a Republican in this day and age , were I an American citizen, knowing what I know. And most right-wing writers in the Yahoo! "opinion" section (i.e. anyone from "Real Clear Politics," Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, et al), I don't even waste a second on reading anymore, I've had enough of them... but...




  1. its a well written piece. Obama will win simply by doing nothing and waiting for Novemeber. He doesnt need to be seen or heard. The only way McCain can win is if Obama breaks a law.

  2. Well Don't Know,

    I suspect that the principal message from Buchanan has pretty much got it right, and it gives me a great deal of pleasure to consider the scenario he envisions. Just think, to be rid of the cretins who have been manipulating this Country for eight years! I'm stocking up on good Irish Whiskey so that I may properly observe the change of power.

    As a palliative, one cannot change a bloody thing if one is on the outside. It is necessary to be elected before one can begin to resolve our problems. That Obama has a moving message which tends to appeal to centrists is okay with me. RealPolitik can be messy. The reality is ugly, but in this case, winning is everything. The alternative is absolutely unthinkable. Whatever is required ought to be done. The stakes are entirely too high for half stepping.

    Now, perhaps we can replace all of the missing copies of the Constitution in the White House!

  3. Technology News-

  4. I think Buchanan is all bell and no clapper.

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