
Check out this car.What do you think??

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  1. The fact that it's a 69 Mustang makes it unique.  It's the only full size Mustang with quad headlights.  My love for the 69 probably has something to do with the fact that I owned one when they were new.  :-}  

    One thing to keep in mind....   Finishing someone else's project is twice as hard as doing your own from scratch.  Trying to figure out what s***w goes in what hole can be a challenge.  

    The current bid is probably equal to what is invested in the engine alone.  The power-train looks well done, but the interior is going to cost you a bundle.  Too bad they ruined the stock dashboard.  

    I guess it all comes down to your skill level.  You could end up with a very nice ride... or it could end up sitting in your garage for the next decade because you find out it's too much for your skill level.  Only you can make that decision.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.  I want to hear it running.... :-}

  2. It is a car having four wheels.

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