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I just opened a student account with Bank of America, so I'm fairly new to the whole "banking" system. They didnt include a checkbook, but i need one (for bills and such). How to I buy them? Can I just buy them anywhere (online websites that sells checkbooks, walmart, etc)? What are one-part checks, duplicates, singles or doubles? How many books should I buy?

SOrry for the questions, but I really have no idea about checkbook ;__;




  1. I agree.  They should have given you at least a few checks.  

    But if you go to vistaprint you can get as few as 25 checks for like $3.00.

    They work the same as the ones from the bank.

  2. ~~I've never known BofA to not give you a checkbook when you open a checking account. Are you sure you did not open a savings account? Call their customer service number, if you did open a checking account, they need to provide you with the checks. They have plain checks that are at no charge to you.~~

  3. BOA should have given you a check book with at least a few checks in it.  Check the sunday paper or magazines and they will have advertisments for checks.  You have to send them your account number and routing number (those are the numbers on bottom of check).  Those checks are cheaper than BOA.  They have lots of cool designs. I would buy just one box first.  Mailing address may change, you may decide to change banks, etc.  If you do that your old checks are no good.

    Most important thing is to keep a balance.  Keep that in the register. Put your opening balance in there (how much did you deposit in the account).  Every time you write a check write the number from the check, who you wrote it to and the amount.  Substract that frm the balance. When you get a statement look for any fees they charge. Put those in the register too. Substract from balance. You can only write checks for the amount you have in the bank. Just because you have checks does not mean you have money.  Make sure all check clear the bank.  If one you wrote for say $100 has not cleared.  You statement says you have $500.  Actually you only have $400 (which is what your register should say).  That $100 check will clear soon.  

    You do not want to write bad checks (checks which you do not have money in the bank for).  The bank will charge you an overdraft fee $25 per check and the company you wrote the check will charge you a fee $25-50.  So a $20 check you write with no $$ in the bank could cost you  $70 - $100.  

    The kind of check you want is up to you. I prefer single check with register.  

    Be careful.

  4. The checkbook does not have to be issued through BoA, although they could do it if you wanted.  If you called their customer service line they would be able to take care of it over the phone.  There are plenty of web sites that let you order checks as well.

    As far as the specific types of checks, all the things you listed basically boil down to personal preference.  I would suggest it's not worth getting fancier checks.  Just get the straight forward cheap one-part checks.  As far as how many, that will depend on the how many checks you expect to write.  I only write a check every once in a blue moon, so one book lasts me a very long time.  If you expect to use the regularly, getting a couple hundred should be a good start.

  5. You probably don't need to purchase checks. Most bills can just be paid online or over the phone, but if you really want a checkbook, I would recommend just purchasing it from the bank. You can use ones purchased at walmart, staples, etc..., but its a lot easier to purchase them from a bank so you don't have to use a computer to type in the account number, routing number etc...

    I think BofA sells them in sets of 100 or 250, I recommend starting with the lowest amount you can purchase, just to see how much you use. You can always purchase more.

    I would check with the branch where you opened the account though because they might have ordered you checks automatically.
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