
Cheeky 6 letter italian word!?

by Guest67099  |  earlier

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Hi, can you please do your research 4 me? talk to your italian mates!! i want to get my best buddy personalised number plates- she is italian. it can be a 6 letter word- it must turn heads!!she is a beautiful girl - so a cheeky or funny word is a must!! please get back to me as her birthday is in a couple weeks!!!




  1. 1bella = one beautifull

    tvbmia (ti voglio bene mia) = i want good for u, mine. (sounds wired in english but not in italian, it's a shortcut)

    sonxte = im here for u (in italian it goes: sono qua per te, it's a shortcut)

    if u want more just say so :D

    good luck

  2. If she lives in Italy she can't get personalized plates- it's not allowed.

    If you can do seven letters try "minchia", which is like "d**k" but used in situations where either d**k or the f-word would be appropriate.  If you wanted, you could replace the "ch" with a "k" to get it down to six letters.  "c***o" also means d**k, so you could add another "z".

    In Italian, "pazza" is the feminine form of the adjective "crazy", so you could add another "z" in there to make it extra-crazy!  "Sfatta" (feminine, here) can mean "worn out" and is commonly used to describe how you feel after a night of partying.

  3. can it have a dash? what about "S-COTTA"? scotta means something that burns, something hot. and cotta is like having a crush... the only problem could be that "pasta scotta" means over-baked pasta... :P

    sorry couldnt think of anything better...

  4. 1DN1TGO = One down one to go ( i luv that one)

    ci6=Are you there

    diva = diva

    Xfetta = perfect

    SOAVE = sumthing sweet and tasty


  6. s**y ME is better than any Italian words.

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