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i am 13 i want to try out for cheerleading next year for River Falls, in Dance i have been for 4 years i take Ballet, Jazz and Tap,Lyrical and i like to cheer. I was Wondering what are the things i need to know for the try outs and how can i learn them.




  1. There are  a number of different things you would need to know before trying out for cheerleading; which depends on your school. The main jumps/stunts that almost all schools require are the cartwheel and roundoff. Some of the bigger schools or those that go to the cheerleading nationals to compete also require the cheerleaders to know how to do backward and forward handsprings. Cheerleaders also do toe touches, hurkeys, and splits. Considering your background, none of the above should be hard for you ro accomplish. To learn more, go to

    and you should find a lot out about what the basic things will be for you to know. It also talks about chants, yells, and cheers.

    Another great site is

    Good luck.

  2. Hi! :]

    I just recently tried out for my high school's cheerleading team and I made it.... so I will tell you what I did during my tryouts to prepare and stuff. Lol.

    The first thing to have when you try out for something, no matter what it is, is CONFIDENCE. Even if you don't feel confident, fake it. No one can tell you're scared and the more happy you appear, the more fun it is to watch and the judges will like you instantly.

    When you're doing the cheers and the dance routine, smile throughout the whole thing, even when you mess up. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR FACIAL EXPRESSION. Trust me. smiling is super super super important in cheerleading, and the judges will mark you down alot if you don't smile during your tryout.

    Be as loud as you can possibly get when you belt out the cheers, and make your hand motions precise. Always make sure that your arms are strong and firm when you hit the high V's and other hand motions. Make them so strong that if someone tries to knock your arms down, they can't. So pretty much, locking your body is hugeee.

    And if you don't understand something, always feel free to ask someone. No matter how shy or intimidating you'll feel, it's better to speak up then not to say anything at all.

    In preparation for tryouts, do stretches at home. It helps significantly. Especially stretch your legs so your jumps look clean. The jumps that you're probably required to know are toe touches, double toe touches, and the hurkey [hurkee? sp?]. If you don't know what they are, search for them on google, or look up videos on how to do them on YouTube, that's what I did.

    I hope I helped you, and good luck! Hope you make the team :]

    - Danie.

  3. hey. Cheerleading is sooo much fun. basic skills that you need all depends on the squad you want to try out for but here are a few.

    you def. need jumps. by that i mean toe touch, a side( or herkie right and also left sometimes) in some places you also need jumps like pikes but it very uncommon for squads to use it. (google search the names as is above if you want to know what it looks like) also dont be expecting to get an exteded toe touch like you see on google if would havent done it before)  

    some squads also require tumbling. you may also knw it as flips. a backhand sprain is a basic tumbling skill. theres also back tucks, layouts, pikes, and even halfs or fulls which are the top tumbling skills. if you need tumbling for the squad that your trying out for make sure you enrole in tumbling classes.

    you also have to be able to cheer really LOUD!!! the louder the better. wen your tryin out put all your nerves behind you because the coach will see that and she won't like it. cheerleaders are very friendly prob. the friendliest people you will ever meet!!! dnt be shy!

    facials are allways a good thing to have. smile allways! if you want to see perfect pro facials watch bring it on (seriously). if you dont fell stupid then your facials are not good enough.

    now i believe that you are prepared to tryout and accually make the squad! email me @ if you still have any questions. also i would love it if you let me know if you made the squad or not. i have a lot of cheer experience so my advice should be helpfull. hope i help, good luck!
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