
Cheerlaeding tryouts are in 3 days iam so scared any tips? Lizzie :)?

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LGHS..........I Hope i make it!

LOL dont we all




  1. You might get a lot more constructive help if you placed this question in the appropriate place. This is Volleyball. I wonder why Volleyball is the place for everyone's questions, are we smarter than the average athlete? :)

  2. Be confident but not cocky.

    Get under the ball and don't lean into it.

    Shuffle your feet.

    When you set, push with your arms and LEGS.

    Always hustle.

    Have a good attitude.

    Good luck. :)

  3. Practice in front of a mirror.  Get a really cute hairstyle that keeps your hair in place.

    Most importanly get plenty of sleep the night before the tryouts.  Wear smile during you routine and if there is an error just smile even bigger and finish your routine.  

    Best of Luck.

  4. SMILE!!!  During my first try-out EVER I made sure that I was smiling, was articulate, and was confident.  I won the captaincy!  Good luck!

  5. just practice your stuff, and dont be worried. Have you watched the movie "the secret"? if you just imagine yourself making it on the squad, and dont even have thoughts about not making it in your head, you probably will make it. You can attract anything you want to yourself if you seriuosly belive it and see yourself there (rent the movie and watch it)

  6. at home crank up the music and dance for a fiew ours strait...make up your own routean and moves to help u practice getting ready.......stretch.......running.......... danc dance.........try the tubles u have to know..........and ofcorse.....pick a cute way to do your hair for the try outs....nothing works more than cute poney tails!!!

  7. Do gymnastics a lot, and make it look like you are confident and like you know what your doing, like youve don0 this before. Smile, be peppy and full of energy. there are so many movies about cheerleading you could watch and if you act and think like a cheerleader(maybe you shoudlnt exactly, but you know what i mean) then you will end up being a cheerleader! But try using your flexibilty and gymnastics alot!

  8. aklsdjfklasdf

  9. just have confidence in yourslef..

    good luck!

  10. quit cheer and play volleyball

  11. make sure you are well stretched out, smile, if you mess up during your tryout, dont just look at them and "laugh it off"

    do your best to pick up...keep your hair out of your face, practice all your jumps (toe touch,herky,etc)

    practice your tumbling and  yell loud (screaming is not the same as yelling)

    and no jewelry...

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