
Cheerleaders please.(:?

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okay i've been wanting to do cheerleading for like ever.

and im going into highschool this year so id like to make it.

i cant do my splits,or jumps/:

is their any workout er something i can do ?

*advice ?




  1. cheerleaders is for losers only! cheerleader is a disgrace to sports!

  2. well you gatta do jumps babe

  3. I have been a cheerleader for 8 years and i can tell you tips for tryouts and even give you help on how to make a good split and have great jumps. You need to stretch every morning and the more you do the more flexible you become (this helps with getting your jumps and splits). Also make sure your arms are stiff and tight also make sure they are sharp (make them pop from motion to motion). Be spirited and happy this makes the judges wanna watch you. A good workout would be to build leg and arm muscle (running, sit ups/crunches, push ups...ect.). Most importantly make sure you look like your having fun and don't ever give up on yourself...always keep trying! Good Luck and hope this helps!!

  4. Well, iffu cant jump/splits there plenty of other thinggs u will b good at. HAve very tight motions and facials Be LOUD on the cheers. When u tryout theyll probably asku 2 do a jump though so work on straddles and heel stretches theres another part of cheer stunting and tumbling(at least be able a carwheel but a back hand spring would b Great)

  5. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Here are some tips!

    Cheerleading in General-

    Be confident when performing cheers and routines.

    A smile goes a long way.

    If you mess up simply pretend like you didn't.

    Do a cheernastics class if you can. You will learn tumbling, jumps and possibly even stunts.


    Join a tumbling class if you cant join cheernastics.

    If you are unable to join one, Im sure you can practice some cartwheels and handstands if you have never done anything before.

    Then work on round offs, round off toe touches, and a front walk over if you can, then front handspring.

    If you are more advanced try back walk overs and then back handspring or back tucks.


    Toe Touches are the main jump you should practice. Also herkies and pikes will look nice and impressive if performed properley.

    Here are some exercises to work on that will help your toe touches and all other jumps.

    First sit in straddle. Dont make it too wide, just a reasonable straddle is fine.

    Place both hands on either side of one leg and then lift the leg which your arms are next to up and down about 20 or so times.

    Repeat this on the other side.

    Do it as many times as possible, 2 - 3 times a day!

    This will help you roll your hips up to jump, working muscles that you would normally be unable to strengthen.

    Another exercise is to find a flat surface higher then what you are standing on. Something about knee height or higher if you want to improve your jumps further. Then jump up onto it, then back down.

    This will increase the height of your jumps and strengthen some of the main muscles in you legs.


    I would follow this and do it once a day or even twice if you have enough time

    30 seconds straddle, reaching forward

    30 seconds straddle, leaning to each side

    40 seconds pike, reaching for your toes

    1 minute on each leg splits

    1 minute middle splits

    3 Bridges held for 10 seconds. Try to push your shoulders over your hands.

    You can add any other stretch you like to that, but that basically is all you need. Some nice flexible splits to do high kicks, straddle for toe touches and a flexible back for walkovers and tumbling.

    Practice, Practice, Practice and every cheerleading skill you gain will improve .

    Good luck!

    PS. If you are unsure of a certain skill dont try it, you dont want to hurt yourself now, do you?

    And also if you dont know what a skill is that I have mentioned google it or go onto youtube and I am sure you will find something

  6. do lunges and straight jumps and stretch alot, itll help on jumps

    you can do tuck jumps in a row to build power too

    if you try out, make sure to have really sharp motions and smile and have clean tumbling, itll make up for if you cant do jumps

    but just in case you don't make it, you should do all star cheer. it's 1000x better, and you'll learn alot more, go to competitions, and itll guarantee that you'll make high school the next year

  7. first of all you need to practice every day in cheer we go into right splits, left, and straddles and hold each for two minutes it's sometimes hard but it workd realy well doing that will improve your toetouches, to get high jumps jump as high as you can for 1-5 minutes hope this helps good luck in tryouts

  8. Unless your a flyer, I wouldn't worry about splits and flexibiltiy so much. But if you want to work on your splits, the only way is to do them! Go down as far as you can and hold for about 2 minutes with your right and left leg. Then do middle splits. Just to let you know, jumps have nothing to do with flexibility. People can do 5 minute splits and not see any improvement in jumps. The reason is that a toe-touch, for example, is not a middle split in the air. It's a straddle jump where you basically tilt your pelvis up to get your legs higher off the ground. Here's an example:

    From what I know, guys in general aren't as flexible as girls, but when it comes to jumps, they're a lot higher. This is because they have stronger leg muscles. Jump height comes from leg and core (mainly abs) muscles. Legs to get off the floor, and abs pull the legs higher up. The only way you can improve jumps is to actually practice them on the ground. Ankle weights help so much. Start by strapping 1 pound ankle weights on your ankles and do regular jumps. Then, remove them and do the same jumps. You'll feel the difference right away. Work on your core muscles (abs, obliques, lower back), your legs (quads, hamstrings, calves,) and of course your hip flexors (for higher toe-touches). The main reason people who aren't flyers stretch in cheerleading is to prevent injuries. Good luck girly!


  9. woooo girl, if u can't jump best to believe they will make you in cheer camp.  Don't worry so much about what you can't do, but atleast try, and practice, practice, practice. Straddle, and hamstring stretches are very important for the splits, just don't jump right into them. Yoga and pilates comes in handy and also watch some(real) cheerleading videos on youtube and learn take notes. I highly suggest you try memorizing a cheer/cheer dance routine to get the feel of it.  Also make sure you're good at being preppy and spirited, chances are if you really want it and show it, then you'll get it and learn.  I've been cheerleading/dancing  since 4 if you need any pointers let me know

  10. Squats, situps, straddle stretch .... all of those excercises can help with jumps and splits. You really kinda need to know how to do jumps and splits would really help.

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