
Cheerleading, running.?

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We have to run two miles in cheerleading every time we have practice. We have practice three days a week twice a day. i have osgood slaughter in my left knee and if you dont know what that is its like a bump in your knee and its incredebly painful. Well we have to run and my knees are hurting soo bad no is there a reason for this and is this a reason to get out of running?




  1. Ouch, I know how painful that can be! I know from experience that when something hurts that bad, you really want to get out of running, but you don't want to seem like you are just making up excuses and letting your squad down. Try this kind of knee brace it has really helped people in my family with that condition. Good Luck, and stay strong =]

  2. i have osgood in my knee too. i think that is a good reason to get out of running. but icing helps a lot. also try taping, it can help to take some of the pressure of the knee. just go to a doctor and they can write a note or something like that

  3. i run for dance team and i have the same condition as you do in both of my knees. my solution has been to buy knee braces that support both of my knees and then stretching before and after i run. then immediately when i get home i ice my knees and/or soak in the tub.  my coach didn't let me use it as an excuse because its "manageable" but if you're in a lot of pain get a doctor's practice slip to get out of running. if you decided to take this approach, just remember you need to keep running but just on your own time and speed because endurance is very important. good luck!

  4. Hey I know it must hurt you could tell your coach your problem and if she still makes you run buy a knee brace and try to keep pressure off of that knee! Maybe taking a pain relieiver would help but im not sure!

    So i would stick with a knee brace for now!

    Good luck with tha knee!

  5. Even though the sport itself does not involve much running, it is great exercise and helps with your endurance.  Running keeps you entire body in shape by burning of calories, while other exercises may strenghten and tone muscles, but not burn off the fat.  However, if your left knee is hurting that much, you should not be running.  If you keep running, you might damage your knee permanently, which is probably not the best for cheerleading.  Talk to your coach about not running until your knee stops hurting.  

    Hope this helps.

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