
Cheerleading Stunts?

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My 8 year old daughter does Cheerleading and her coaches think she proboably is going to be a backspot. Last year she was a base. She doesn't know how to be a backspot at all and she feels more comfortable with being the base. Any suggestions on how to be a backspot or any pictures of her age kids doing it?





  1. i'm a backspot but i'm 14 and i absolutely love it but i've never based a day in my life i couldn't find any pictures is she a recreational cheerleader or a competitive cheerleader?

    well to put her flyer into a crunch all she does is grab her waste and lift her into the stunt then if you're going up to an elevator she should grab right on to her ankles and pull up as much as she can so the bases don't have that much weight, i'm not sure if they're doing any one legged stunts or extensions but if they are then all she has to do is grab the ankle and pull up or if your in an elevator one leg she should have one hand on the ankle and one on the upper thigh and for craddles all she does is just grab her flyers ankles and dip a little then throw her hard. make sure that she doesn't push her flyer forward.

    and remember the main job of the back spot other then to pull up is to always catch the flyer if shes falling NEVER back out of a stunt!

    good luck to your daughter!!

  2. 1. Start by grabbing the flyers waist

    2. On the correct counts lift and throw the flyer up (A common mistake is throwing forward, even by the smallest margin, will throw the flyer forward) make sure she throws straight up

    3. As soon as possible grab the flyers ankles and lift up for support (gripping tightly for security)

    4. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS keep your eyes on the flyer. The second she is falling, LET GO OF HER FEET and catch her. Here is what starts the distinction between good backspots and great one's. No matter what they keep focus on the flyer and ALWAYS catch her no matter what!

    Here are some pics/video's of girls around her age: (Backspot reaching high as possible to catch the flyer coming down) (great view from the side and the dismount is the same for the backspot even if the flyer twisted)
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