
Cheerleading- What is the difference between a basket toss and a cradle?

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is it just that a basket toss they throw you up right away and a cradle you go up to extension first?




  1. Ok. They are 2 COMPLETELY different things. Let me break it down for you : )

    Cradle- a dismount from a stunt (ex. half (aka prep), or extension (aka full).  Cradle is actually the position you come down to after sweeping or popping (where the flyer has landed in cradle position in bases arms) but is also used as alternative for sweeping or popping if it is clear what kind of dismount is being used.

    Basket toss- a separate stunt in itself where flyer loads in and gets tossed in the air and immediately comes down into cradle position.  basket tosses can also incorporate more avanced things like toe-touches and twists before coming back down into cradle position.

  2. Not really. For a basket toss, the bases hands are in a different formation. You jump into it and they throw you up. When you are in the air, you hit a move and come down like your cradling. As in a cradle, you're hitting your moves as your in their hands and then you cradle down like your sitting.

  3. A cradle is a way to come out of any stunt. There is a pop from the bases and the flyer is thrown up and caught again.  There is no stunt leading up to a basket like there is a cradle. You have to rod the basket up just like a cradle but you are thrown much higher and you perform more skills in a basket than a cradle. So a cradle is a dismount from a stunt and a basket toss is a stunt it's self.

  4. noo. you can cradle from a half. basket tosses are just a lot more difficult and you always go from an extention and you do a trick in the air. like for example toe touch. im a flyerr and basket tosses are pretty hard to do. a cradle you just pop up your hips and taco. (basically youu have to ride it down).

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