
Cheerleading! help please!!?

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ok so me and my friend are going to tryout for cheerleading at the high school this year (Tryouts are in May) currently we just know how to do cartwheels, we both triedout last year&didnt make it,but we know the basics of what you do at tryouts;cheer chant dance.We are both going to attend private lesson cheerleading classes in our community to learn more tumbling skills, we are both trying out for varsity&the requiriments are: backhandspring, running backhandspring, fronthandspring, double toe touches,libs,heel stretches,twists,double downs. We'll probably join the classes in september so is 9months enough time to learn all of these?,&is it a good idea to learn more than the requiriments to higher your chances of getting on?-please answer if you ARE a cheerleader, have experience in cheerleading or are a coach& i also want tips for how to act at tryouts, i heard to not wear alot of makeup,-is that true? please share with me any advice you have,everything you share is appreciated!!<3!!




  1. Try your best and do a good job?

    I&#039;m not a cheerleader, and am not even sure how to put an answer to this question.


  2. im not sure but if you invite all of the boys you know and FORGET TO wear your panties im sure you will be VERY POPULAR

  3. First, good job for going back to try again! Second, coaches look for Smiles, confidence, flexibility, and form. You probably could learn all that in 9 months but if you only know how to do cartwheels at this point, you need to put your heart and soul into practicing the others. Backhandsprings are a progressive, you should start with backbends, back walkovers, and gradually get to a hand spring. Either way, dont try it without a trained spotter. Its usually a good idea to get with some other cheerleaders and ask them to help you learn what you need to know! Very little make up, hair in a high pony tail, white shirt, black shorts for tryouts unless told otherwise. Smile and pay attention. Dont talk and giggle while the coach is will do fine! Enjoy it!

  4. im in gymnastics and i was gonna try out for cheer. at my gymnastics place girls have been practicing for a few years and are learning those things. but it really depends on the person. but since you seem really dedicated and focused im sure you can learn this stuff in nine months.

  5. Taking a class, especially tumbling classes, are an excellent idea.  Some gyms offer cheer specific classes.  Even if possible, see if there are any gym squads or all star squads that you can at least practice with since you obviously can&#039;t work on stunts alone!  Because you have little or no actual squad experience, you have to make sure that the skills you pick up are extra strong in order to compete with girls who do have squad experience.  9 months is a decent amount of time, but work hard and use your time wisely.  In your class, maybe let the instructor know your goals.  That way, maybe they can help you and give you extra things to work on to help you reach your goal.

    At tryouts, the best advice is to have a positive attitude.  Be a sponge and pick up whatever you can.  Take constructive criticism with grace and be everyone&#039;s friend.  Don&#039;t go into it with an attitude, let other&#039;s attitudes affect you or take things personally.  Show the coach you&#039;re willing to learn whatever it takes, you&#039;re willing to be a great asset to the squad and you&#039;re pleasant to be around -- don&#039;t give the impression that you might be a trouble maker once on the squad.  :)  In the greater scheme of things, while you can pretty much count on some others having an attitude problem, if all people can say is &quot;she&#039;s a hard worker and is just a ray of sunshine,&quot; how can that be compared to someone who&#039;s nasty and catty?   Don&#039;t let those types drag you down.  I&#039;ve been on and coached a lot of squads and while some girls have talent, the talent sometimes takes the place of personality.  Learn from those who have a lot to teach and just be nice to those who are not-so-nice.  If they&#039;re going to be rude in return, what can they really say about you?  &quot;Ugg, she&#039;s so nice to me!&quot;  Oh boy.  Work hard, learn a lot, be positive and even if you don&#039;t make it, at least you know you gave it your best shot and it was a positive experience.

    As for what to wear, your coach may tell you about that.  I usually told girls what to wear for tryouts and tryout practices.  Your best bet is to wear the Sofee shorts or athletic shorts and a t-shirt or tank.  Don&#039;t wear jeans or jean shorts and nothing you&#039;re going to have to keep adjusting (bra problems, etc).  Wear comfortable tennis shoes -- which you may even have to purchase cheer shoes for your class.  Wear your hair pulled back and out of your face.  Skip the jewelry and if you&#039;re going to wear makeup, I&#039;d say wear something natural -- nothing crazy and not in excess.  You&#039;ll probably sweat most of it off anyway!

    Good luck and I hope your hard work pays off.  And if you don&#039;t make the squad at school, maybe check the area for other types of squads you can join.  :)

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