
Cheerleading or Dancing?

by  |  earlier

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Well, me and my friend are having another argument :D.

And I am a cheerleader and she is a dancer. Which sport or activity whatever you wanna call it, do you guys think is better?




  1. It depends. If its competition cheer, then definitely cheer leading! But if its just cheering for school, then I'd have to say dance. I guess I'm kind of biased though because I dance.

  2. well im in middle school and im dancing its fun!!!!!

  3. Dancing all the way.

    Cheerleaders can shove it.

  4. it depends if its competitive cheerleading then yes

    becuz it uses stunts flips and dance

    but regular cheerleading is boring then i would say dance

  5. dancing is funner

  6. in my opinion cheerleading but that is because im a competitive cheerleader and have been since i was 4 but im sure if i was a dancer id say dance but im not so CHEERLEADING all the way

  7. just end the argument with gymnastics!!!!

  8. Dancing

  9. Cheerleading by far.

    Dance is...well, just dance.

    Cheerleading is cheer, dance, tumbling, stunting and so much more.

  10. these two are sort of connected, but i prefer cheerleading

  11. Um danceing no offense. Dancing is a skill you can use at several events in many settings for many things.. to attract the opposite s*x, to be intiment,to compete, to have fun, to impress. You dance at weddings at clubs at home in the shower etc. etc.  You cant bust into a cheer in the middle of your friends reception with out a strange look. Dance is also for everyone....short, tall, fat, skinny, babies, and the elderly. All in all making dance a more suitable choice.

  12. soccer. haha well i'm a soccer player.

    but i think they are both about equal because you dance in cheering

  13. This is a really hard choice for me Im a cheerleader and a dancer there both great but i would have to say dance. Dance you need to do for a while to get good cheerleading could take a couple of weeks

  14. I danced from when I was 4-14, then when I moved I couldn;t anymore, so I cheered for the next 4 years.  They both have pros and cons.  While dancing has many different styles, genres whatever you wanna call it, cheerleading really only has one.  They both compete (I was on a dance team, then high school & all-star cheerleading)  at different divisions, regions, levels, etc.  Cheerleading involves more teamwork in the sense you use each other and all depend on each other for something to hit.  If one person goes down, the whole stunt goes down.  Dancing is easier to cover up flaws, while cheering where as if you aren't exactly precise it's easier to tell.    The competition styles are different..I definitely get wayyy more reved up for cheering competitions, but I miss the uniqueness of the dances.   It's 50/50

  15. both !

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