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so im trying to get into cheerleading classes at the place where i take gymnastics, ive been doing gymnastics forever, but i dont really have much of a dance background, any tips?




  1. stick with gymnastics it is great:)

  2. i had the same thing happen to me. i did gymnastics for 3 years and didnt dance AT ALL.... once i got into cheering i was in the front for the dance so i dont think it really matters : )

  3. First of all: dancing IS NOT a big part of cheerleading


    Heres a few tips [sorry if it's not exactly what you're looking for...] :

    - You have to be smiling all the time. Even if your team is losing. No matter how hard a jump, cheer, stunt [or whatever you're doing] is, you have to keep on smiling. During the try-outs this is very important because the coach or head cheerleader will notice this. Maybe you should try doing some cheers in a mirror and keep looking at your facial expressions. And when your at competition, smile ! And have facial expressions but not stupid ones. And DO NOT stick your tounge out. That's rude and just plain nasty! And i dont think anything is worse than seeing a CHEERleader look like she has to go to the bathroom. Smiling is good !

    - Be loud! A nice and clear voice. But loud... And absolutley NO screaming or singing! Chop your words up!! And Cheer it out. You have to keep it loud while your doing your routine[s]. Practice it ver and over to make sure you keep it loud. Maybe lay down on your stomach and cheer, loud. And you'll notice it. Try to cheer from your stomach, not your throat.

    - Do not clap like you're a little 5 year old in kindergarten! Clap like a cheerleader you're soon to be! And do not let your hands go past your shoulders on the release. It looks stupid, theres no need for that. Your hand are in front of you while clapping [obviously] and maybe have them a bit under your chin or next to your mouth.

    I really hope this helped!

    Good luckk !!! : )

  4. well like dancing isnt a big part of cheering, its mostly fast movements and straight hands and legs.  its not really that hard, but justt rmeebr keep everything straightt and gymnastcius does come in handyy ! becuase you can tumblee !
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