
Cheerleading streches and tips?

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so i want to be a flyer and i need to be able to a scorpion and all three splits. i am more flexible on my left side and i need to get my right side better. also i need to loose about 15 pounds so i don't kill my bases with my fattness




  1. Strech, girl, strech! It will help if you have great abs. It helps with getting your leg(s) up there. That means lots of crunches and sit-ups, along with any other ab building exercises. I cannot stress enough how much streching helps! Here are some things you can do:

    Here are some others as well:

    Face a wall, and put your tush against it, with your back on the floor. Put your legs in a V on the wall, and push down, or have somebody do it for you. Stretch as far as you can, hold for 20 seconds, push a little more, hold for 15 seconds, push a little more, and hold for 10 seconds. Do 4 sets of these.

    With your back against a wall, put your legs in a V in front of you. Lift both or your legs about 3 inches (or as high as you can get them) off the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat, this time only using the right leg. Repeat once more, using only the left leg. Then repeat entire process. Do 3 sets of these.

    This one is great for abs. It's called a hollow body. Lay flat on the ground, and lift your shoulder blades (plus your head) and legs about 5 inches off the ground. Hold for 20 seconds. Do 3 sets of this. Then, do what's called hollow body ups. Lift your back and your legs towards eachother, so it's like you're doing a sit-up. When you go back down, don't let your legs or shoulder blades off the ground. Do 10 of these.

    When you're practicing, make sure that when you do kicks and side jumps (like hurdlers), do both sides, even if you suck at one of them, because otherwise it will make your toe touches lop-sided.

    Try signing up for a gymnastics class. Trust me, it will do wonders!

    Drinking lots of water should help as far as toning.

    Just eat healthy, stretch and practice daily, join gymnastics, and don't give up! Hope this helps! Cheers!

  2. My coach gave us a pretty good workout this year.

    But to help with the splits Everyday work on doing your right leg and try to push yourself closer to the floor. Be sure to stretch before you do it and it helps to warm up a little. Maybe run or something.

    But for a good workout there are many things you can do. But my advice is go on some websites and get the best one you can find.

  3. hmmm. im a cheerleader too, but i back spot.

    and about losin 15 pounds, dont.when you lose a lotof weight in a really short amount of time, its unhealthy. if ur still in teens/preteens,then dont worrry cause your still growing and you will still lose weight cheerleading, cause its requires a lot of athletism and endurance. i can back spot with 2 bases a 174 pound girl. so im sure they can spot you.

    okay, so STRETCHES.

    your scorpion is flexibility and balance because you dont wanna fall over when your holding one leg. so everyday, practice standing on one leg and moving your right leg in different directions. do this for 10 minutes. then switch & do the same, but not as long. for the flexibilitty, keep working on your scorpion, pulling a little bit harder each time.for splits, stretch out your hamstrings (thighs) a lot, by doing the excersizes in this video.

    good luck!

  4. well to help your splits, all you really have to do is keep working on the legs that your not the best at. be sure to stretch everything. i do gymnastics and i'll give you some stretches that i do twice daily...

    **be sure to stretch everything for at LEAST 15 seconds (counted one mississippi and so on)

    -sit in straddle position (legs spread out as far as they can go) and reach to your left, right and middle.

    -sit in pike (legs in front) and reach for your toes.

    -stretch your arms across your chest to make a "T" position

    {-roll out your wrists

    -roll out your ankles

    -stretch your neck}= you don't have to hold for 15 seconds

    -do bridges to stretch your back

    most of these stretches your porbably do anyways but if you don't you should start.

    if you want to lose weight jog in the mornings or in the evenings, but not in the afternoon during summer. the sun is strongest during the afternoon so you'll get tired faster and you might even get burnt. you could also do push ups and crunches everyday.

    well i hope i helped! :)

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