
Cheerleading tryouts>>>...?

by Guest65436  |  earlier

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Does anyone have any tips on how to get prepared for tryouts that r in 2 weeks and some tips on making my toe-touch better?




  1. I'd love to help you!

    Alright. Can you do the splits? Because that will help you ALOT on your toe touches. Also. Do you have a trampoline that you can practice one? If so, through your legs up AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE, and it doesn't matter if you land on your butt, because you are on a tramp! Do about 100 toe touches on the tramp and you will be POOPED. I'm telling me. But part of being a cheerleader is pushing yourself to the max. Anyways, after you do that, go on the lawn and o a bunch. it helps A TON! Practice being loud. And not singing. You need to make it clear what you are saying. And be tight. Even if you can't do a great toe touch, or a back tuck or anything don't worry. Most coaches will take someone that is very clean and tight, even though they aren't as flexible.

    If you have ANY questions ask, and I will help you!!

    Good Luck!

    Let me know how you do!

  2. do a lot of stretches.

    you know, like spread your legs on the floor and reach for your toes, those kind of stretches.

    cheerleaders are loud, so also practice on your cheers, and exercise.

  3. when you try out for cheerleading make sure you are loud and smile. try your best. to improve your toe touch practice them off of things or on a trampoline. try to get as far down as possible in your middle splits because a toe touch is just a middle split in the air. good luck.

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