
Cheese frosting separated?

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I made a wicked carrot cake last night, but my frosting split. Twice! What could have gone wrong. cheese and butter were the same temperature. Was it possible that they were too warm?

I only used butter, Philadelphia and icing sugar.




  1. Did you refrigerate the frosting after to was blended stirring occasionaly to get it to the right spreadable consitancy?

    Did anything that you used come in contact with water before or during the mixing process, wet bowl, beaters, spoon, whisk, your hands when handling the cream cheese or butter? all must be dry. The science behind the "no water" is you want the "starch" in the icing/powder suger to react with the moisture in the cream cheese and butter, not an outside element (water) as you know water and fat ( butter/cream cheese) do not mix.

  2. hmmm well i'm pretty sure my mom uses butter, Philadelphia cream cheese, milk (maybe that's it?), a little vanilla, and powdered sugar

    and she doesn't let the cream cheese sit out as long as the butter, just so it's a tiny bit softer than in the fridge.

    hopefully that will help!

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