
Cheese without rennet?

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I just found out that as a vegetarian I am not supposed to eat rennet which is in most cheeses.. anybody know of any rennet free cheese?




  1. loads of supermarkets have them. they usually have the wee green 'v' on the packaging.  there are loads out there though, so no need to panic!

  2. If the cheese packaging says it's suitable for veggies then it hasn't got animal rennet in it. I find that Tesco and Sainsbury's are the best for veggie cheese. If I were you I'd avoid traditional cheeses because they're the worst culprits for containing animal rennet. Also, it's best to avoid dishes with cheese in them at restaurants because you don't know whether the cheese is veggie or if the restaurant staff have bought non-veggie cheese without knowing about animal rennet.

    I found out that cheese is often not suitable for veggies after I'd become a veggie too so I know how upsetting it is when you realise.

  3. Check the ingredients. Also, a lot of nonvegan soy cheeses are rennet-free.

  4. Follow your heart makes vegan cheeses. To find them you will probably have to go to an all natural store or a store like whole foods.

  5. Organic Valley's cheese products are rennet-free.

  6. My sis is vegan and i think she can get rennet free cheese in sainsburys or waitrose. Just ask a member of staff or ring the supermarket near you and they should be able to tell you.

  7. Rennet can be animal, vegetable, or microbial (not mineral, get it??)

    You can always purchase your cheese at trader joe's, they have a brochure

    that references which cheeses are acceptable and which aren't.

    You can also know to avoid most french cheese, since they will use animal rennet.  In restaurants, they will have no idea (it says enzymes only), but there's no way of knowing the source, so you have to decide then.

  8. more and more cheese companies are using bacterial culture instead of rennet. i don't know of any brands in particular, but if you read the ingredients label it will say whether or not it contains rennet.

  9. Check out the site below:-

  10. Just check the cheese wrappers which will indicate if they're suitable for vegetarians, most commercial cheeses these days use a synthetic curdling agent anyway, it's only the artisan and farmhouse cheeses that are likely to use solely rennet.
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