
Cheetah Girls have changed??

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Watching the Cheetah Girls movies I noticed that they can't act. They were able to act very well in their first movie. In their second movie, it seemed more fake and in their newest movie you could tell they were acting and not really like in it...Know what I mean?

What I'm saying is that their first movie felt like actually watching a movie but watching the third movie felt like something else and I didn't enjoy it as much. Anybody else feel the same way?




  1. Yeah I agree completely...this one was awful!  

  2. I Didn't Really Notice..


  3. I dnoon maybe there smart pills wore off

  4. Yeah, the first one was the best. then the second one came out, and well it wasn't as good as the first one, but it wasn't bad, and the newest one bored me .

  5. Yes. Just like High School Musical.  

  6. lol yeah probably cause raven was the only one that had acting skills shes been acting eva since she was 3 on the cobsy show and  kiley and adrienne was singer from a gruop called 3lw and sabrina was a dancer they was neva actress but they had talent so u know  

  7. ya i know what you mean i gess they've just lost there touch.

  8. i know!!!!!!! its so weird!

  9. Prolly just cuz Disney channel started bombing its way to literally a waste of a channel after Hannah Montana.

  10. Cheetah Girls still exist??

  11. Yes i do. I think it is they are getting all popular, and are thinking of where there future will go with this third movie. Obviously not very far, seeing as everyone noticed that they were not putting there whole attitudes into the movie.

  12. I dont know

    But Raven is hot!

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