
Chem regents!!!?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know where i can find out my chem grade.

at the beginning of the year we got these passwords to log in to see our grades on parent portal... but does anyone know where in there i look to see my regents grade??

other people are saying they found it there!




  1. its on

    the whole exam and answer booklet.!

  2. i really dont know of any way to find out. but if the teacher/ counselor doesnt call your house a few days later, you probably passed.

    I took the regents and found it kinda hopefully we both passed!!

  3. Everyone in my class was certain of failure by the time we finished it on Tuesday.

    I saw my chemistry teacher today while I was taking another test, and she told me that no one in the school had failed and that we would be pleased with our grades when she was allowed to give them to us.

    You probably did better than you think you did. ;)

  4. If other people told you they found it there, ask them where exactly it was. You can also call up your school and ask.

  5. u can ask ur chem teacher in school if u see them
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