Hello I was wondering if someone could help me solve this problem. My study guide gives answers but no methods.
2 hydrocarbon streams pass through a cross flow heat exchanger. The first is 150000kg/hr of pure n-hexadecane (Cp=2.2J/g-K). This is being warmed from 293K to 330K. The second stream is 129000kg/hr of 33wt% n-dotriacontane and 67% tetraphenylethelyne (Cp=2.2J/g-K). The tubing is 0.05m inner diameter and 0.06m outer diameter. How can I find area and total length of tubing required? Also, how do I reason the heat transfer coefficient? My professor gave us the 5 basic ones (gas-gas, gas-liquid, water-liquid, condenser, reboiler)