
Chemical Reactions With Household Items?

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I have a project to do for chemistry, and I'm looking for something to base it off of.

Does anyone know of any common household chemical reactions?

Ex. "Milk bursts into flames if you put dishwasher detergent in it!", even though that's completely untrue. You get the point, haha.




  1. Almost all cooking involves chemical reactions.   Baking of bread involves yeast formation of carbon dioxide.  Boiling of eggs involves denaturing and crosslinking of protein.

    Use of bleach involves oxidation of colored materials by hypochlorite ion.

    Alka selzer works through a chemical reaction to generate CO2.

    Burning of candles involves a chemical reaction to generate CO2 and H2O.

    Spoilage of food involves (normally)  oxidation by air.

  2. the following are spontaneous reactions and will create a mess, so be careful.

    baking soda and vinegar

    mentos and carbonated soda (Coca cola for example)

    Bleach and ammonia. Use in a well ventilated area, and don't breathe the toxic fumes. This mixture will burn your skin, so be careful.

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