
Chemical and physical weathering are dominant in what biomes?

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As in what biomes in particular chemical weathering is dominant and in what biomes is physical weathering dominant?




  1. Chemical weathering will occur in areas of high precipitation, such as the tropics and sub-tropics.  An easy way to prove this is to look at the soils of those regions.

    Physical weathering is more dominant in areas where there are more broad temperature changes where you get frost heaving, cracking and mass wasting due to expansion and contraction of water.

  2. Obviously a biome is a climatically and geographically defined area. Right now I can only give a list of biomes, but someone else will have to explain in what biomes chemical/physical weathering takes place:

    Ice desert, Tundra, Taiga, Temperate broadleaf, Temperate steppe, Subtropical rainforest, Mediterranean, Monsoon forest, Desert, Xeric shrubland, Dry steppe, Semidesert      Grass savanna, Tree savanna, Subtropical dry forest, Tropical rainforest, Alpine tundra, Montane forests

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