
Chemistry hwk! please help!!!?

by Guest58751  |  earlier

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Please answer any questions you can!

1- What kinds of chemical bonds are present in substances made of carbon atoms linked together?

2-Is the covelant bond between chlorine atoms in a molecule of chlorine gas polar? explain

3-Name 2 properties of many substances containing ionic bonds

4- Where in the periodic table are the elements tending to form positive ion? negitive ions? explain

5- Name the inorganic compound containing 1 atom of phosphorus and 3 atoms of oxygen in the form of an ion.

6-Fill in the blank ______________reaction-a type of reaction in which 2 molecules are bonded together by the removal of a water molecule.

Please answer as many as you can! I will ask the teacher but i want as many ideas as I can get and things may actually fall in place!! thanks for your help! xoxoxo




  1. 1. covalent bonds (as in not ionic)

    2. no because chlorine has 7 valence electrons each atom so if you pair it it has 3 pairs on each ion and a pair shared in the middle, hence perfectly balenced. Polor bonds are in things like water that are more negative on certain sides because it is out of balence in valence electrons.

    3. sorry can't remember

    4. positive is on the left because you have1 valence electron in the outer shell on the first collumn, two in the second, etc. it is easier to lose 1 or 2 electrons (which are negative) than gain 7 or 8, so they are positive. on the right they form negative because it is easier to gain a few that lose a lot. also the 8th collumn are noble gases and don't form ions, and the ones in the middle are super weird so ignore those (the B collumns that are shorter than the rest).

    5. Phosphite

    6. Oxidation-Reduction reaction

    Didn't your teacher teach any of this in class?

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