
Chemistry job prospects?

by Guest64832  |  earlier

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Are there many good careers around which actually regularly involve chemistry? I love (high school) chem and would really like to get a degree in it, but I'm put off by the prospects. Even university sites seem to inevitably end up rambling on about law, teaching, finance, marketing and all that... but I want to study science to work with science, not with business; what about direct work with chemistry itself? In oil? Research labs, things like that? Is it just really hard to get a job in those?




  1. [Answer:

    See what happens after your 1st year of Chemistry once you reach post-secondary first. The material they focus on compared to high school is normally almost or all completely different.  Get a taste of organic, physical, coordination, material chemistry, etc. before you decide to pursue Chemistry as your major of choice.

    Anyway, if you do plan on taking on Chemistry, there are definitely opportunities for full-time work on chemistry-related jobs, obviously with the chemical industry or just in research labs (both private or Universities doing graduate work).  The oil industry also has potential for chemists to go do research.  In general though, getting a job in any science field isn't that simple, especially with technology getting better, though there will also be opportunities for research in the future.  Chose what branch of Chemistry you want to go with and go from there.  Doing some work experience while you're doing your degree will also help you out.

    Otherwise, double majoring will expand your career opportunities.  Perhaps you'll find interest in biology or a branch of math... you never know until you've tasted some bits from all areas of Science.]

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