
Chemtrails -- Whats in our sky's?

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I dunno about you but I grew up in the '70s and as I was climbing trees or walking the dog i used to look up at the lovely sky and admire it's entirety. As I have got older I have noticed what can only be "anomalies"; these lingering whispy plane trails that disperse over a relativly short period to what only seems a dull haze blocking the natural sun from us. Further more on closer observation I have seen these planes that leave these trails seemingly following a black line in the sky on a perfect heading, tangent or bearing. These "black lines" appear to "clear a path" through the "haze" of previous trails: to allow a "clear passage" for the air bourne vehicle.

I have looked on the net for similar occurances and my findings are alarming with wild conspiracy therories flying left, right and centre! There are relations to Morgellans disease, Parasite pychosis, Aspirationary problems; links to Barium poisoning.....and hey I am getting a little concerned and would like to find out more




  1. One of the biproducts of the fuel buring process of the jet engine is to produce water vapor.  When the air is close to the saturation point and the air is ralatively stable, that extra water that is put into the air by the aircraft is what forms a contrail.  I think contrail actually stands for "condensation trail".  Basically, the aircrafts passage forms a cloud.

    It is no coincidence that other aircraft can fly through or very close to the same trail as the US Airspace is made up of jetways... routes that aircraft fly so many will follow the same path (with 4 miles of lateral leway on that path).

    I am not trying to minimize your concerns, but there is science behind contrails and these explanations make more sense than the conspiracy theories.

    I hope this helps answer your question.

  2. Any aircraft with an engine flying high enough in cold enough air with sufficient moisture present in that air will produce a contrail. The cold damp air enters the warm engine and comes out the other side as warm damp air that condenses into a vapor trail in the cold air. This is much the same process as seeing your breath on a cold day. You see more contrails today because there are more aircraft in the air.

    As others have mentioned, pre-determined routes are flown by most commercial aircraft so you will see many flying in roughly the same path. And as mentioned, a crop duster would be a lot more efficient. If you are trying to spread something, starting at 30+ thousand feet in the jetstream (the wind aloft, not the contrail) which blows sometimes hundreds of miles an hour is hardly going to be very effective.

  3. We should all be concerned about people who believe in "chemtrails"

    They simply do not exist.  And spouting off some imaginary diseases (parasite psychosis????  did you even stop to think what that is before you typed it in?) will not convince anyone here that these things are real.

    If you want to find out more, just go talk to a pilot.  Contrails are nothing more than ice crystals that are the result of hydrocarbon burning.  Yes one of the byproducts of burning any hydrocarbon is WATER.  Its cold up there so that water tends to freeze.

    That black line?  Its called a "shadow" and it tends to occur when a light is blocked by an object (like an ice crystal) and some surface below it (like a thin cloud) is lit in a non-uniform fashion.

  4. They are called contrails, and are a normal byproduct of heating the air and having it cool behind the aircraft.  Chemtrails are what crazy people call them.  There is no such thing.  They are just as harmless as clouds.  Think about it, have you ever seen a crop duster?  If they wanted to poison us, they wouldn't do it at 30,000 feet.  Those supposed chemicals would end up in India.  Don't listen to crazy people.

  5. go to youtube and check the videos

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