
Chen Tai Chi Step guide?

by Guest66904  |  earlier

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Can anyone recommend a website that has the step by step play for the first 83 movements? As well are there any Tai Chi routines for the thin sword used for Tai Chi?




  1. Youtube or this:

    But please, you need an instructor, that will correct your posture, to do these things properly. You do soooo mnay things wrong the first time you do it.

  2. If you are asking about the 83 movements, then you might be referring to the Chen Style known as Xin Jia, or new frame.  If you are a new student to Chen Style I would recommend that you begin with Lao Jia or one of the many introductory forms that have been made.  My website has a short video on the 13 section form.

    Many other instructors and even the Great Four (Chen Xiaowang, Chen Zhenglei, Zhu Tiancai, and Wang Xi'an) have their own versions of introductory forms.  Outside of that you need to start with Lao Jia (Old Frame) as Xin Jia is more complicated.  However if you are already a seasoned student, I would recommend searching the internet for videos by Chen Zhenglei or Chen Xiaowang.  Other videos by Chen Yu, Chen Bing, Ren Guang Yi, and many others are also available and are very good.  They are all different in one way or another, but look beyond the choreography and try to look for the source of movement.  Please be advised, however, that it is of the utmost importance that you learn from a qualified instructor with a legitimate and verifiable lineage.

    These websites might be of interest.

    To answer your second question, yes Chen Style also has a form for the straight sword known as the "jian."  Check out the curriculum page on my website and it will give you a comprehensive list of the forms in the Chen Style Taijiquan curriculum.

    Good Luck!

  3. then type in tai chi they should have some good videos there, hope this helps ^^

  4. The Chen style of Tai Chi Chuan is not something I would reccomend learning on your own.


    h**l that's easy; its not brain surgery by any means, so, if you don't have access to personal instruction and you have a strong desire to learn, I would almost reccomend properly written manuals and well made DVD's over a school (especially a McDojo).

    Chen Tai Chi though, has acrobatic movements that will make even a Shaolin monk cringe.  No joke man, some of the maneuvers are insanely complicated.  The Yang Long form, at least the rudimentary large frame taught to the public, is the best to learn.  A style I would reccomend learning if you want to study on your own, is the Sun or Yang style.

    I won't direct you to sites, as there probably aren't any out there anyway except perhaps youtube which may have instructional videos, rather I will try to dissuade you from doing something dangerous.  You know those knee stretches you do in track and field?  Where you bend your leg backwards so that the soles of your feet point towards your head while you are lying on the floor?

    Well, in the Chen style, there is a step where you have to drop down all the way, in that position, to the floor, and then get up into a jump.

    The Chen style has been criticized as not being the original form of Tai Chi largely because it goes against the Daoist spirit of "simplicity."

    Simplicity, stems from humility, while complexity stems from egotism.

    For example; if I was a humble person, this would be straight and to the point, not complex.

    If I try to say I'm modest I get accused of false modesty but if I say I'm arrogant then I get accused of more pretension either way I lose.

    Case in point, a martial artist who understands conflict, will make their art simple, someone with an ego, will make it complicated.

    Shaolin Kung Fu, considering how much time the monks have had to develop it, is simple; 5 forms, 30 stances, and a small handful of joint locks.  Compared to Chen tai chi even Shaolin Kung Fu is relatively simple, but it is simple, without sacrificing completeness.

    Dude, Chen Tai Chi can be dangerous to learn on your own as you can seriously bust up your knees, so you better not try it.

    good luck.

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