
Cheng Fei... do you think she is kind of a cry baby?

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Just because she made a mistake (which means she doesn't get the gold medal) doesn't mean she has to cry about it? I think she is a perfectionist.




  1. not a crybaby, just not a lot of mental toughness.  alicia sacramone made two mistakes the other night and was able to keep it together.  that shows the differences in both athletes' character.

  2. No she is not a cry baby. She did her best and failed.

  3. if you knew you could have won a medal but messed up and lost it, wouldn't you be upset?

  4. it is understandable. She cried because she was emotional, and she still congratulated the winners.

  5. She has every right to cry. The vault event is her baby...she is the three time world champion on vault and she is what made vault the way it is today. No other gymnast has ever touched her vaulting over the last three years and she stuck around for the Beijing games to perform for the home crowd. Now to end on such a bad note on your last competition I would probably cry too.  

  6. No, she knew that she had lost the gold. That is definitely something to be upset about.

  7. I understood why she cried.

  8. its understandable that she cried. she messed up on both events. country all watching her and they have so much pride. but i could care less though cause she stole the bronze from alicia sacramone on vaults...

  9. you are very cold blooded to say that. What will you response if someone say the same thing to Matt Emmons? Did you see him buried his head to his wife's embrace after he loss his gold? May be Amercian TV did not show how depress he was because it is non-Amercian???

    Chung Fei is 20. She is 3 times world champion 2005-2007 on vault. She just made a bad mistake on vault final early that night and loss her gold. She was already very upset but she kept on doing Floor Exercise Final, tried high diffculty routine again, made a mistake again and no medal. What will happen if you were in her place? Just because she got bronze in vault and Amercian did not make you all stepped on her like this?

    She also told the press she will not compete in next Olympics.

    Emmons gets all American's sympathy and Chung don't, just because she is not Amercian.

  10. No, She cried because this was suppose to be the best event ever for her and she felt bad for missing the chance because to a few stumbles, she knows she can do it perfectly like she's done many times before but today was unfortunately a bad day for her.

    Ignorant people like YOU just don't realize that that girl is the GREATEST gymnast in the world, but she is also a teenage girl with feelings and emotions if you have never heard about it. Lets see you even try to attempt doing that and fall flat on your butt, and see if you be ballin' your eyes out or not. BTW, I think you are the baby here, did someone drop you on your head when you were a baby? i thought so!

  11. My friend, you are right on the money.

    Good luck

  12. no she is not a baby, she not only didnt get gold but didnt get any medal, and she knows she wont prolly see another olympics again bc chinese gymnasts usually dont roll over to the next olympics

  13. I think she's only 12 or 13. What do you expect?

  14. It's understandable why she was upset.  Cheng Fei is the captain of the Chinese women's olympic gymnastic team, so she probably feels the pressure to be the best and set the example for her team.  Also, I'm sure she's practiced her routine thousands of times, so to make a mistake when it counted has to be brutal.  Plus, she's performing in front of her country, and probably feels she let them down by not winning a medal at all.  Cheng Fei also messed up on her vault, so to mess up twice is twice as bad.

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