Question: - transfer/paying in? etc?

by  |  earlier

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I applied today and was accepted, i was told the money would be transferred into my account but it would cost £15, which is taken off the loan amount.

I just emailed back to ask what time its transferred, and they said "our agent goes out to put the money in your account"...

Am i being lied to, do they actually transfer it or is it paid in cash and they are charging me £15 and lying?

Any ideas?




  1. I ASSUME you have sent them a Cheque, perhaps made out to 'cash' ??

    Well, it COULD be a scam .. however they have a 'real' address on their web site with 'real' contact details so it LOOKS legit ..

    IF they did a 'normal'** Bank transfer it would take 3-5 days to appear in your account .. is this what you want ?

    If they pay Cash into your account, you get it immediately .. I assume you MUST be totally desperate for the money (otherwise why go to them in the first place ??) ..

    Charging £15 to walk down to the bank may sound excessive (however what choice do you have ?)

    **"Telegraphic transfers", which take 4 hours (so it's only guaranteed to be in your account today if the transfer is done in the morning ..)  cost £25 ..

    PS You realise (of course) that when they cash the cheque (end of the month ?) you will be EVEN WORSE OFF and thus EVEN MORE desperate for money next month ?

    STOP SPENDING = it's the only way out .. go see Citizens Advise about an IVA

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