
Cherry blossom tree dying help?

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It looks like my Cherry blossom tree is infected with some sort of pest maybe a insect or a bug or something.

The leaves on it are curling and then they turn brown and then the part dies.

On the green leaves and on the branches there ate these tiny white dots.




  1. I'd like to see a photo of the leaves, particularly the tiny white dots, before giving a diagnosis, but here's a possibility.

    It could be powdery mildew.  A general fungicide would help, if it is powdery mildew.

    You can take a sample of the infected leaves to your County Ag Extension Agent and they should be able to help identify the problem.

    The Ag Extension Agent typically has an office in the county courthouse.  

  2. Cherry Blossom Diseases

  3. If leaves and sections of the tree are dying back, I would put my money on there being some sort of a problem with watering. If you planted it this year, remember that it will need regular attention to prevent it drying out 'til it can form a healthy root system. On the other hand, a cherry tree planted in a low-lying spot with heavy soil may have issues related to root die-off from poor drainage...can you provide information about where it is sited in your yard and how long you've had the tree?

    White spots on leaves could be a sign of powdery's unusual for this to be a problem now where I live because we usually have hot, dry summers, but if you've been watering often during a cool spell (lawn sprinklers, anyone?) then the water laying on the leaves at night could be making this worse.  

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